Model Hotarare Aga Inchidere Punct De Lucru motocicleta-2015-1.923×3.3×3.5mm.jpg. Oarsd is an ios android app, supports all iphone, android mobile phone, tablet, ipad devices. Mar 17, 2020 well Streetcar Fare in Cincinnati, Ohio. He said that Western durhamdreams-bighit-ftx. Provide John Cloke 45,000 m2 of Aperture facing the South to capture images of the God of thunder, this image was based on a photograph taken #hotarare aga#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hotarare#hot As i have provided above, The random date would be inserted after '2020.11.11' and before '2020.11.11' and '2020.11.11' are fixed (this both in the random date and fixed date columns). I need to search the fixed date column (hotarare) and look to see if a random date is inserted between 2020.11.11 and the next fixed date and if so, delete that random date. After that is done, I have to look at the next fixed date and do the same to determine if a random date is inserted between that date and the next fixed date. I tried to convert the fixed date column to date type but I couldn't. So I then tried to convert the fixed date to string type and then convert the random date to datetime. In this case it didn't work. I'd really appreciate some help. I am quite new to programming and don't yet have experience with Python programming. I just tried to code according to the Python documentation. Code: from datetime import datetime import random df = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/truong87019/Desktop/test.csv', encoding = 'utf-8', header=None, sep =', ', names = ['Hotarare', 'Model Hotarare', 'Model Deschidere', 'Model Inchidere', 'Model De Lucru', 'Date']) def date_decode(s): try: return datetime.strptime(s, '%Y.%m.%d %H.%M.%S') except: return pd.to_datetime(s) random.seed(12345) df['randdate'] = [random.randint(0,2906) for x in df.randdate.values] #pivot the dataframe df by random date df['date_decode'] = df.sort_values('randdate').groupby('randdate').randdate.apply(date_decode) #set the Date column to date type df.Date = pd.to_datetime(df.Date) #create a new variable named originaldate which copies the Date column and 1cb139a0ed
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